The winter solstice brought heart-supporting energies
The winter solstice brought heart-supporting energies to the pious of humanity. These powerful energies are now changing consciousness into a higher pitch. A sound with greater Love, Tenderness and Joy. Slowly, slowly, the lower energies are replaced in each body and make way for the higher, bringing more Joy to everyone.
Humanity is now well on its way in its development to a more loving people. A development that will show itself in all areas of life. Because Love, as everyone knows, is not limited to the human race, but Love includes all living things as well as Mother Earth herself.
But everything has its time and all this does not happen overnight. But now, dear friends, you need to muster all the patience you have. We all wish it could happen from one day to the next, but it really doesn't work that way in life. So patience, patience, patience! And above all, be in your heart! Because only by being constantly in your heart, can you help shorten the process.
So be in your heart! Live from your heart! Think from your heart! Do everything from your heart! Then you will see that what you desire, will come to you much faster. Think, dear friends, that you are finally standing here at this point! The point you longed for and waited for so long! And now you are here. And it is only thanks to your constant work of bringing all humanity with you to this point!
You have done so much more good than you can ever imagine for our entire Universe. We admire you and we thank you for your hard work. Because we too get our fair share of the cake you baked.
We love you, now and forever, with the love that is total and without limits. You are in our heart and we are in yours. With heavenly peace in our hearts, we now say Sayonara for this time.
Namaste from our heart to yours.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Thanks!