The heart rejoices!


The heart rejoices! The heart rejoices at what happens to people. It is bathed in light, in the beautiful golden light. It has reached a new level of awareness that has come faster than expected. The light flows. Barriers have been removed, so that the light has free flow and rushes forward like a spring river that dances through nature, benefiting all and sundry. 

The golden yellow light lays like a light web, one could say, over nature and adds nourishment and love to Mother Earth. In the people the light flows, from top to bottom, filling the inner core of Mother Earth with the golden yellow light. 

Everything turns into liquid gold. Everything becomes the energy that can transform and transform the human race into the Temple of Love, which all people carry in their hearts. The big transformation is here. There is no going back now. 

The Central Sun has filled the hearts of men with codes so revolutionary that nothing can remain as it was. The light flows abundantly now. Hallelujah! 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this time and we leave you in great love. Nothing will be the same. Amen. 

All your Brothers and Sisters and guides from the very highest light. Namaste. Sayonara. 

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