Holiness is present
Holiness is present! The Holiest of Holy! Beloved friends, you are now in a period of strong transformation and transfiguration of your inner self, of your soul and of your humanity. Everything is connected.
The intensity is getting stronger every day and the explosion is expected. Its presence grows stronger with each passing day. It will reverberate throughout the Universe. Everything will be affected! Everything! The intensity will be deafening, figuratively speaking. And in everyone's hearts a change will happen, whether you believe it or not.
You are facing "The Great Breakthrough"! So be prepared, but don't be afraid! See it as the finest Christmas present the Human Kingdom can receive. Consider it a dream come true! See it as a great peace project, where everyone involved softens in heart, to such a gentle degree that everything is transformed and transformed into Love.
Love is everything! It has always been so and so it will always be! Love is greater than anything! So look forward with Ease and with Joy, for the Face of Love is near!
You are facing a weekend in the sign of Love and the energy of Love. Enjoy life and be happy, because Joy is the greatest transformer and accelerates events.
We love you, now and forever! We are your Father and your Mother and we hold you in the greatest Love.
Namaste. Sayonara.
/Father-Mother God