You now ascend the throne


You now ascend the throne. You have taken over the power. And no one else now controls your future. You have the knowledge and the wisdom needed to create something new and something good. But you must always be aware of what you do and what you say. You must be careful with your words. And caring for both yourselves and your fellow human beings must be in the first place. 

You choose every step you take on the new path. So be careful where you put your feet to avoid slipping. The new path is created by reflection and wisdom. And this does not come entirely by itself. Maybe you stumble every now and then when you don't follow your heart 100%. You are not perfect just yet. So maybe the steps are a little staggered like this at the beginning. But don't lose heart, but keep walking with your head held high and your heart as your guide. Practice makes perfect. So keep moving forward with proud steps. You know in which direction you want to go now. So just listen inwardly, and everything will work itself out. 

We walk with you on the road and we support and support you so that you do not fall. We have been where you are and we know that the first staggered steps are not easy. But everything gets better, everything gets better. 

We admire you for your strength, your courage and your love. And we thank you. We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe and we are infinitely grateful. We leave you with the greatest love in our hearts. 

Namaste. Sayonara. 

Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe 

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