In the Light of Love our full existence is shining


In the Light of Love our full existence is shining. Below and above - together the Whole, is illuminated by the Light and the Love. 

And the more Light you take in, the more Light is shining in your cells and emitted to your surroundings. And this happens without you having to do anything. It happens automatically. 

Therefore, stand firmly in your Light! It is so important! Your mission becomes more powerful and important the more Light you can take in and hold in your bodies, in your cells. And in these present times when the Light is flowing so strongly, so strongly from Alcyone, your bodies and cells are filled at such a speed, you also feel it, without always understanding what it is you are feeling.  

But shine, beloved Brothers and Sisters, shine! Shine your Light and help your Brothers and Sisters wake up to the morning light! Help them find the dawn in their lives, just by letting the Light fill You up to the fullest! 

You are the most beautiful souls! Remember that! When you shine your Light, the beauty is indescribable! Those who have eyes to see the Light with are happy, for the Beauty is limitless. So help your Brothers and Sisters to see the unlimited Beauty.! It is the only thing you need to do in these times to help the awakening. 

We are so happy to be at your service. It is such an honor and joy for us, who once went through what you are now going through, and therefore know how much joy there is in the end. 

We love you immensely and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are always in our hearts and we hold you and your Light with great love. 

Thank you and Namaste! We are your Brothers and Sisters and our love is forever Yours. We leave you in gratitude. 

Sayonara. Namaste. 

/Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe 

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