When the grass and flowers reach their peak green, it's time to wake up


When the grass and flowers reach their peak green, it's time to wake up. It's time to pull yourself together, look back on your life and see if something needs fixing. No one but you, dear friend, can do that job. It doesn't help how many healers you go to, you have to do the job alone. Because it's really only you who knows what needs to be fixed deep down. 

And now we truly live in times of change. Not only external change, but also internal. Now is the time to find the one who is you, the one who is really you, and then you have to search and search and search. It's not an easy job, but you get the help you need. When the universe really sees that you're trying, the universe pitches in with all the help you need. 

Now is the time to become who you are, deep down there. Now take in the energies from the 8 portal and let them help in your transformation. We know you will look with joy at the person you are evolving into, who is truly a higher version of yourself. So enjoy the energies. Allow them to change you and be proud of the one that emerges. 

We are your friends, now and forever, in the higher dimensions. 

Thank you, dear friend, thank you for your work. Thank you for your patience and thank you for being who you are. We love you and we love you. And we promise, it will only get better and better. 

Your Brothers and Sisters in the Higher Regions. 

Thanks for us and all the love to you. Namaste. 

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