Friends of light, we salute you!


Friends of light, we salute you! In that early morning hour, what has been shifts to what will be. In the fact that you release what must be released in the light of the full moon, there is room for the new to establish itself in the heart and in the mind. So allow yourselves to continue to release. Not just when there's a full moon, but all the time. So that you leave room, a lot of room, for all the new things that are coming now. For now it is coming, all that you have waited for so eagerly and for so long is now in full swing, and you will experience it. So you no longer have to doubt that it will be so. 

The moment has come for the New Earth to emerge, in love, in compassion and in awareness. Consciously choosing a life of love and passion, and compassion for your neighbor and nature and for animals, is a shift on Earth of unheard of strength and power. 

We thank you for this sweet collaboration you people and we who have already been where you are, and therefore can see all the joy and love you will experience, and that you have so bravely moved forward in tenacity and courage and laughter. You are amazing and you are beautiful, far beyond what you can see for yourself. Your shimmering souls dance like the most beautiful fairies in a meadow on an early summer morning. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we will see you again soon. We leave you in total love and joy. We are the Supreme Creators.

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