The key to paradise is the heart
The key to paradise is the heart. It is not more difficult than that. Don't make life difficult through the absence of heart capacity. It is in the heart that love and joy and happiness are found. And as long as you don't have contact with your heart on a daily basis, for as long as you shut down the light and joy. Contact with the heart is the key to a happier life. So start the day by being in the heart and let the warmth of the heart warm the whole day. And end the evening in the heart, so that the warmth of the heart calms the body during the night.
Really, this is all that needs to be said. There are no add-ons. There are no ANDs or BUTs, but the heart is the circle of all life and all living things. It's just so. So be in the heart. That is what life itself is.
You are infinitely loved and we stand closer to you than we ever did before. For this we thank you, because it is you who have made it possible. We are your beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Universe and we are always with you. And we love you with a love that is so wonderfully great that it crosses all boundaries.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.