Beloved fellow travelers on the love expedition, we welcome you!
Beloved fellow travelers on the love expedition, we welcome you! We have been waiting to reconnect with you, to regain access to your hearts through our helpers.
If you only knew how you shine, how you sparkle and how you shimmer in a cacophony of light, a palette of light so beautiful it takes your breath away. You are the real heroes and heroines. It is you who create success, both for the Earth and for the Universe.
We can never emphasize enough how important you are in your work. Without you we would be nothing, but with your help we are everything. Together we are the creators of the new Earth. The new Earth that both you and we have longed to experience. To experience the shimmering love in the heart, the one that there are no words to describe, because it is so infinitely beautiful.
You are like sparklers, scattered over the Earth, all of you who work for the light, and it is a beautiful sight to behold. So continue to be in the heart, with all the light you are helping to create, so that the sparkler grows stronger and bigger and finally holds Mother Earth in an embrace of love. And of course not only Mother Earth, but also humanity and all living things. Which de facto is everything, because everything contains energy and where there is energy there is love. So the more you can stand in your love, the more you add to plants, animals, everything, everything that contains energy.
That's all we wanted to tell you for this time. We are eagerly awaiting the continuation and the exciting development that we are currently deep in. It was a dream for a long time, but now it is reality. So pat yourselves on the back and thank yourselves for all the good things you contribute to the new Earth. And we also thank you with our endless love for you and for being part of it with you. You are always in our hearts.
We are your Brothers and Sisters from Orion and it has been a great joy to be in contact with you. We are part of the Holy Light, as are you, and so we have been brought together to do this work together.
In the name of the very, very highest love, we now leave you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your Brothers and Sisters from Orion.