Children of light, open your hearts and let the light flow
Children of light, open your hearts and let the light flow. Take in the energies from the cosmos and release the light into the world to your fellow human beings. It's time now. It is time for the great opening of the heart of humanity. You have been preparing for a long time and now the time has come. Be prepared. Allow yourselves to open your hearts wide open and stand in your power.
All of you Children of Light will be needed in this powerful opening. So be ready. The time is near. We stand with you side by side and we cooperate in a force field that is so strong that it cannot be described in human terms. That is what allows this powerful opening to happen right now. The force field that we create together is infinite, with an intensity of indescribable measure.
Be ready, beloved children, be ready. What you've been waiting for is now coming. Your wait is over. We love you, now and forever.
We are the Servants of the Light from the Highest Octave and we thank you for your extremely important cooperation. We are all one. One heart, one light. Thanks.