The heart is pounding
Your heart is pounding. Your head is filled with ants. Your joints are aching. Your stomach is weird. Blurred vision. And your hearing is not what it usually is. Yes, you feel the new energy, beloved Brothers and Sisters!
It's not easy being an Earthling right now. And many times you might think "now I want to quit". But luckily that doesn't work. You can only move forward! It is as simple as that! And sometimes the steps are big, and sometimes they stop for a little while for reflection and for things to fall into place and integrate.
The energy of the new Earth manifests stronger and stronger every day. More and more people are waking up from their rosy sleep and want to be part of the GREAT SHIFT, that is now taking place, because it is an honor to be a part of it. It's never happened before. And just think that YOU get to be part of this big shift that is taking place in people's consciousness.
To see the world with Love and with Care and with Joy, with Humor, it is a gift to long for! And don't worry, you all will experience it! But it is good that you wake up so that you can follow the process a little more consciously. And above all, the process will be shorter, because the more people on the train, the faster the train can run.
We follow you with great interest. And we see that you despair because the Powers of Darkness are playing their last cards, scaring you with various darknesses such as war, high interest bank rates, high electricity prices, a new pandemic. Yes, what don't they invent to keep you in Fear, so they can control you more easily. But you are no longer playing their game, because you have awakened and you understand that they are trying to keep you in delusion so that you do not become the powerful force that you all are. So be aware, don't spread the Fear to each other, but spread Joy and Love to each other. So...only so, will you have a better world!
We love you immensely, with a love so strong that the day you taste it, you will be almost overwhelmed!. We are leaving you now, but you are always in our heart.
Namaste. Sayonara.
The Supreme Light