The Light that reaches you now is transformative
The Light reaching you now is so transformative that everything changes! Nothing remains what it was!It can feel a bit scary for many, who do not understand what is going on. And that's where you forerunners come in! Now your new journey begins! The one you have been preparing for for a long time. It begins now! You will be the same support to the awakening people as we have been to you. Now you take over the responsibility for the awakening on Earth. There are now enough of you to complete this mission.
Of course we are behind you to support you if you falter. But in our eyes, we know that you will manage completely on your own. You now have the necessary Knowledge and Humility. Because that is what is the very key, Humility and Love, not thinking that you are greater than your fellow human beings just because you are ahead, but understanding that we are all one. You got ahead just because you were more open, not because you are better than anyone else! And that is the most important undestanding you must have in your heart.
Everything will be fine! But great upheavals await you and your fellow human beings. The magnitude of the upheavals is gigantic and will loom like a hurricane in your lives. The hurricane turns everything you previously thought you knew about reality, upside down. So be prepared for this to happen! We're almost there now! Time is running out! But we know we have left everything in the right hands and we know your greatness. Now only you too must understand your greatness!
So be in your heart always, because it is in the heart that Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Humility live. And to accomplish your mission, you must be one hundred percent in yourself heart.
We love you now and forever! We stand behind you as a shield of security, always at your service. We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. And what is happening now on Earth is important for the entire Universe.
In the name of the greatest and highest Love, we leave you for this time. Sayonara. Namaste.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe