Welcome to the light!
Welcome to the light! Welcome all you fantastic Earth Angels, who work so diligently to save the world. Without your help, you would not have come this far. Because you have come a long way. Far, far longer than anyone thought just a year ago.
The light on Earth has increased dramatically, which affects all living things very strongly. And many symptoms arise that you do not understand, which make you think you are ill when it is not so at all. But your physical bodies do not move forward at the same speed as your wills. Your physical bodies need time to integrate all that you so gratefully receive from the higher dimensions.
And there can't be increase upon increase upon increase of the frequencies, but there must be a time of stillness and calm between each increase. But your work is magnificent and amazing. And we greatly admire you for how you dare to carry out your assignments even though you don't always see the results yet. We admire your faith, your strong belief that everything will get better, that keeps you doing this job all the time and again and again.
But don't worry. Everything will show up and you will be happy to see the results of your efforts. You have developed at rocket speed and everything is usually confused in your thoughts. But the confusion will also be straightened out and cleared up in time, when you see the light that we see that you create. The day you can see that light, you will feel happy beyond all limits. There is so much beauty waiting for you.
There is so much joy waiting for you. There is so much peace and so much tranquility waiting for you. And above all, there is so much love waiting for you.
We thank you now and we raise our ethereal glasses and cymbals with exquisite tones for you and your future. We are happy when you are happy. And we hug you with our energies of love.
This time will never come back, so cherish it and know that it is precious. Know that you are doing something that will never be done again, for the good and the bad of the Earth and for all living things on Earth.
We love you so infinitely. We leave you now, in great love.
/Your patriarchs from the future.