Bearers of light, we salute you!


Bearers of light, we salute you! In the big shift that is going on right now, you play a decisive role in what will happen. Therefore, we ask you to always have an open heart and to always be centered in your heart. This is of the utmost importance, so that the balance is kept steady and nothing unforeseen can strike the light. 

In this day and age, there are many who wish to influence what is happening in a negative way. And it takes all our collective strength to stand united as a wall against that which does not have the best agenda for humanity in mind. This is what you were born for, your life-defining mission, which you yourself desired through your soul. So therefore we ask you to take every opportunity to be there for each other and for humanity. 

We are also with you. We carry you as you carry the light. Together we form a unit that cannot be broken. Keep this in your mind now and be prepared when the comet's tail flicks at humanity. That moment will be unforgettable in human history. So be prepared! 

We leave you now in great love. Consider what we have said. We are with you until the end of time. 

We are the Servants of the Highest Octave. We love you immensely. Namaste. Sayonara. 

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