Beloved Children on Earth, you shimmer so beautifully in different colors


Beloved Children of the Earth, you shimmer so beautifully in different colours! You shine like the brightest stars in the sky. We love you with a love so strong that nothing can stop it. You have our great, great admiration. You are so brave and so strong and so beautiful! And your Love is like ours, unstoppable! It spreads further than you can imagine, out into the different worlds of the Universe. What you do creates history, not only for yourselves but also for us, we who are outside your Earth. 

Never before have planets truly changed from within, from the heart. It's like the Love in your Heart breaks up things that you didn't think were possible could be broken up. There are no barriers to the power of Love! And yet you are only at the beginning of the whole great transformation, which is taking place! Imagine what the Light can accomplish! Even things that you today cannot even imagine will happen! You have gone behind, ...beyond the old limits of what could be accomplished! When there no longer are obstacles, it is free for Love to create everything needed for a better world. 

We love you. And you are a part of us, just as we are a part of you. We all have the same origin and therefore we are Brothers and Sisters. You are in our hearts, as we are in your hearts. It has always been so, and so it will always remain. 

Dare now to continue your bold path, out of darkness and into liberation! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! So even if it feels heavy sometimes, know that there, at the end of the tunnel, awaits the Great Light, the Great Love, the time that we have waited for and longed for! The time of the Great light, where the Love for your neighbour and the Care and Concern for each other is the only thing that matters! 

We leave you now with our hears singing with Joy. Let this song spread, for it is also in your hearts. Let Joy shine brightly because it is through Joy that Love sneaks in. So laugh, sing and smile, and above all be happy! 

See you again soon. Sayonara. Namaste. 

We are the Highest Servants of the Light of the Highest Octave and we love you immensely. 


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