Channelings before Sept 2022
You rest in the light
You rest in the light. You rest in peace. You rest in the kingdom of peace. Your gift is to spread this light on to all the hearts you reach in your reality. This applies to all who read these words. Because the words are imprinted with this high energy of love that envelops everything and everyone without judgment, just pure love, like the pure love of the little child. No manipulation, no "second" agenda. Just a completely open heart. Where everything fits, big and small, dark and light, black and white. All. Where unity prevails, but individual freedom also prevails.
We are all one, but also our own personalities with our own goals and our own lives, and that's how it has to be. One is not a contradiction of the other, but rather a prerequisite for the other. Love each other, Brothers and Sisters, but at the same time give each other complete freedom to be yourselves. The responsibility for the whole rests in the heart of every soul.
You are all one. We are all one. Because what you do for the Earth affects us who live in other places. So we are all one. But we are free individuals to fulfill the very path that is meant for each individual person, but which is for the good of All.
To be free but still live in love for each other so no one gets hurt, neither animals nor humans nor other living beings, we are all worthy of the highest love and we are all the highest love. And that is where the power of love lies. It cannot be consumed individually if it is not used for the whole.
When the heart is wide open there is no longer any confusion about this. Therefore, beloved Brothers and Sisters, be in your heart! Live from your heart! See everything from the perspective of your heart! This is more important than ever and needs to be practiced daily to achieve results. We share this with you, our Brothers and Sisters, because that is precisely what is most important right now, to find one's heart, to be in the heart, to live from the heart, that everything one does resonates with the energy of the heart.
We leave you now for this time, beloved, beloved, beloved. We are with you all the time until the end of time. We will never leave you. We are one. We love you with a love so strong and powerful that you would be afraid of it if you could feel it. And you will. Right now you are at the beginning of this awakening. And the power of love increases every day and your hearts open every day. We are proud of you and we love you.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
Sisters and brothers, we now dance the dance of love together
Sisters and brothers, we now dance the dance of love together. We dance the dance of joy and the dance of trust and truth and honor. Happy are those who get to share this dance, for they are the living proofs of the changing consciousness of this day and age. In time, more and more dance to the same song and the rings get bigger and bigger and spread more and more.
The joy has come to stay. Nothing can darken the joy. Love is here to stay. No darkness can tear down and obscure and put love under the ship. No darkness has that strength or power anymore. Those days are over. Now there is only the radiant light, which, like the star of Bethlehem, illuminates the pure love on earth.
The light is here to stay. Nothing can darken the light anymore. It is like a brilliant sun, which shines over everything and everyone. It illuminates people's hearts and makes them transparent and enlightened, so that no darkness can be hidden in people's hearts anymore.
The light is so strong and so powerful that, like a laser beam, it can break up new paths, new ground, and find a foothold in more people's hearts so that it grows and grows and grows stronger all the time. Nothing can weaken it now. This is the time of light. This is the time of love. This is the time of truth.
A shift of great proportions has now reached the earth and is manifesting in this now. The hearts of men vibrate with this light of truth, of love. We can only congratulate you earthlings. The shift has happened. We are happy and proud of you who fought and now reached where you wanted. We are your brothers and sisters and we love you endlessly, with a love so strong that the whole universe vibrates.
You have not only lit and strengthened this light within you, but also within us. And we are so grateful to you for the job you have done so successfully. We love you and have loved you since the beginning of time. We are all one. You are us and we are you, together in a joyful dance.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your brothers and sisters in the universe.
--------------------------------------------The light may triumph in the end
The light may triumph in the end. There is no doubt. The light is what feeds us, the only thing we must focus on, and we must do it together. One is not enough, but together we are invincible when we sit down and focus. Now we need the light more than ever. The need has never been greater than now. So stand firm in your inner light and in your outer light, for both are working together now. The outer light strengthens the inner light and the inner light strengthens the outer light.
The big change is coming soon. And if you have then filled your body with the light, everything will go so much easier. Then you just slide into the change, like on a banana peel, without obstacles or blockages. You're just sliding right into what you can't see right now. The big thing that will change all life on earth. So receive the outer light and stand in your inner light. Always be aware of how the outer light supports your inner light, and vice versa. It is an interaction that is highly fruitful.
You are our brothers and sisters on earth and we are your brothers and sisters in the universe. And you could say that the same process is going on between us. We support you and you support us. It is a fruitful exchange for all parties. We leave you now with the greatest love, but we will return soon.
Namaste. Sayonara. We love you, limitlessly.
There's nothing like waiting times
There's nothing like waiting times. There is nothing like buds bursting forth in their full beauty, in their ripe glory, when all is accomplished. That is where you are headed, beloved children of earth, towards perfection, towards purity, towards the heart, towards the innermost chambers of the heart. There you are on your way, where the change is born and envelops everything and everyone, far into your heart space, beyond the illusion humanity has lived in for thousands of years. A change so great and so magnificent that you humans cannot imagine such greatness. Because nothing you know at present can in any way measure up to what is to come.
With this new moon, you go deeper into yourself than you have ever been before, into your god part. And nothing will be as it was before. You are truly born again, into the new age, into the age of love, into the age of roses and lilies, into the most beautiful beauty.
We look after you and we look with great joy on this development. The awakening is here, here and now. Your reality will never be the same. You are our brothers and sisters on Earth and we are your brothers and sisters in the Universe. Together we are invincible.
Namaste. Sayonara. In the name of the highest love.
You walk in the valley of the shadow towards the unknown
You walk in the valley of the shadow towards the unknown. But keep the faith. Faith in a new morning. Faith in the beautiful. Faith in love. In the dark you stagger from the weight. It digs into your heart and makes you lose your footing. But hold on. There is a dawn. There is a sun, resting behind the clouds.
As it is said in the poem, it hurts when buds break, so also for you human children before the coming light. Just be sure in your heart that the light is there and will illuminate the world with all its power in the near future. You have fought and you have fought well. Now comes the reward. But right now the fight is tough, so don't give up. Just know, for sure, that it will get better. Everything is better when the light has free access to your hearts.
It is a necessary phase of integration that is happening right now and that must happen in order for the next phase to begin. We love you endlessly and stand by your side all the time. You are never alone in what you are going through. Ask for our help and we will gladly give it to you.
You are our beloved brothers and sisters on Earth. And we are your beloved brothers and sisters in the Universe. Together we are invincible. Together we are an unbeatable team. With the greatest love, we leave you for this time. Know that the light is waiting for you. That's the only thing you need to focus on.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your brothers and sisters, in great love.
The life of love is perfected
The life of love is perfected. In love there are no limitations, no darkness, only patience, humility and an endless longing for life. When we get there, the heart is filled with gratitude and joy for the smallest event, for the smallest creature that comes our way. The deep, deep gratitude for the beautiful, for the beautiful, for the perfect and for the imperfect. The pleasure of waking up to life every morning fills us with indescribable joy.
The joy of again, like yesterday and every day before, seeing nature in bloom, feeling the warmth of our friends, feeling the joy when we meet a smiling gaze. Small things that become endlessly lovely when we live the life of love. Life is so beautiful then, when we live the life of love. Nothing can eclipse these moments. And the more moments we experience, the closer we get to the source, where these moments are formed into a single now. The life of love is wondrous and wonderful.
You have much to look forward to, beloved Brothers and Sisters. Fill the thought with this positive feeling and let it fill your heart and strengthen you in heavy, difficult moments. Everything will be fine. It will be so good. Do not worry. When the life of love is lived, then peace has come in the heart and in the mind, and nothing can stop it.
We love you endlessly. You will always be in our hearts. We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Our love is infinite.
Namaste. Sayonara.
The light within you is now being strengthened day by day
The light within you is now being strengthened day by day. You can see in your auras how it shimmers and sparkles. You are like walking Christmas tree flares. It splashes and scatters small particles of light all around you. It is a beautiful spectacle for us who can see this from above. You are truly light bearers and light spreaders.
All the glory is like a huge firework display. It pops and crackles around the Earth with signs of joy. And truly the new age has begun. And the fireworks are not an end, but a beginning. Welcome to the spirit of the new age, where love and joy come first. All of you will eventually end up there, end up where the love is, where the joy is and the happiness.
We now wish you peace in your hearts. And with those words we end for this time.
Namaste. Sayonara.
The sun's light spreads
The sun's light spreads. Today when the light of the sun besieges our bodies with a light so strong that nothing can stop it, it lays down like a blanket and penetrates into the smallest cell in our bodies, in our minds, in our hearts. This light is the strongest light of love ever experienced on Earth. The power of this light transforms all the darkness within us. Forcing it to the surface and then lovingly enveloping and transforming it into love. A joy so strong follows in its wake and smiles form on everyone's lips.
This is truly the light of God's love that cannot in any way be destroyed. It will now gradually increase the more people who can bear to carry it in their body. There are many of you who were born to carry this light and who are now emerging from the nooks and crannies. The gratitude towards these light bearers is great. For without them this transformation could not take place.
So see the light in every person around you. See how it transforms what is dark and heavy and gives us new hope for the future of humanity. Stand in the light. Be in the heart. Live from the light. Support each other. Find the love in your heart. Place your hand on your heart and feel the light and love. We love you in a never-ending love. Take good care of yourselves.
The time has come to leave you this time. Be in the light. Namaste. Unity of Light. Sayonara.
The shift is here, the shift is now
The shift is here, the shift is now. Now your energies are raised threefold and fivefold for those who can receive the higher energies. This shift will also be noted by those who are not spiritual, because such a shift that is taking place now changes so much, especially how one thinks. So the people will observe that they suddenly think in a different way.
No one remains untouched. But it becomes difficult to understand for those who are not prepared, for those who are not used to thinking spiritually. It will be like a shock to them. Because suddenly they start thinking in a way that they have previously ridiculed others for their way of thinking. Suddenly they are there by themselves and don't understand how it happened. Therefore, it is important that those who know how it is done help spread that information, so that everyone gets clarity and understands what is going on.
Your bodies change to a crystalline base, which can receive infinitely more light than the carbon based body could. This is necessary for the raising of consciousness now underway. Without this change, the shift in consciousness could not take place.
The joy will sprout in a race with the flowers in nature. Like heart openings will take place like newly hatched bird eggs. A lot will happen, big changes. We look with great joy at this development on earth. But don't sit back, because there's more to come. So be prepared to receive and be prepared to give from your open hearts.
We love you to the core. We are with you every time you put your hand on your heart and feel the warmth that arises, that's how you know us. We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. And you are our loved ones on Earth. We are one and the same. In love and joy we leave you, but we are always here by your side.
Namaste. Sayonara.
In the darkness of the night, the stars illuminate the way
In the darkness of the night, the stars illuminate the way you cannot see in your 3D world during the day. You are bombarded with information during your sleep. Therefore, many people now have problems with sleep. You could say that the brain is overheated at the moment. The rest the brain normally gets at night, when everything that happened during the day has to be integrated, that rest is now disturbed by information that flows in. This overheating and overfatigue of the brain then in turn affects the rest of the body, which gets various symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms.
People are getting scared and help is not as available now because of your virus. So therefore people's fear of disease cannot be taken care of as before and the fear builds up within the person, which in turn weakens the immune system. This is not an ideal situation for humans, but the only one possible at the moment. The information has to be downloaded and during the day the brain is busy with so many other things.
But persevere, beloved brothers and sisters. There will be a brighter time shortly. Rest as often as you can, drink a lot of water, and the processes go easier and become less noticeable. Be prepared for even more downloads before everything turns around. But we promise you, in the end, you'll find it worth it.
We thank you lightworkers, who have the courage to continue to pull the load for the rest of humanity. It is a great job you are doing and one day your brothers and sisters will thank you. But so far the great mass does not understand what is happening and you are left alone in your laborious work. Just hold on a little longer. Everything gets better. We promise you, it will get better, even if it doesn't look like it right now. We thank you and send you light and love. We are by your side and we support your processes and there is an end. We leave you in endless love.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
We break through the thicket
We break through the thicket. It's tough and it's bumpy, but it'll probably work. We await you with gratitude. We are here for you always. But the channels need to be opened more. The fire is coming now. The fire that burns away what is no longer to be.
That which is old and withered and rotten, it must be gone now. Now the clean, new bodies will burst forth in a love-filled tribute to all that the new people are born into. The fire burns and consumes. And it does not go unnoticed by you people. You can rather say that you are affected to a large extent by the fire. It cleanses and it purifies. And when it has drawn forward like a forest fire, the young, healthy sprouts from under the burnt remains.
You are facing a big change. Much, much greater than you can comprehend. Everything changes for you. Nothing will ever be the same. Just have a lot of patience. Because soon, very soon, the new greenery sprouts. So keep hope high in your hearts. Don't lose heart. Everything gets better. EVERYTHING gets better.
We will return when we approach the zero point. Until then, live in love and let the flame of hope burn high. We love you. And you are our Brothers and Sisters in an eternal covenant, heart to heart, in a flow that can never be stopped. Peace be with you.
Namaste. Sayonara. We are The White Flame.
Now it's here, the moment you've been waiting for
Now it's here, the moment you've been waiting for. Moment by moment it breaks through. We are here with you now. We stand on the bridge and calibrate our energies so that it suits each other. It's a little bumpy the first time, because the energies jump. They are not stable. And then it becomes more difficult to convey what we have to say. But we've all been children and we have to start somewhere. So today's message may not be perfect. But we take it as a game. And practice makes perfect. We are here for you and we are happy that you let us into your lives. We are happy and grateful. You must not have done this in vain. We wish that our contact is built up. And we want you to make yourself available so that the contact between us is strengthened and becomes clear. It is now time for us to say goodbye, but we would be grateful if you would welcome us again soon. We hold you in our light, in our love. We trust that you desire this contact as strongly as we do. And with that, we want to say thank you. See you soon. And until then, you are in our hearts. We bid you adieu. In the name of unlimited love, we are your friends.
Commander Ashtar
Dearest, dearest beautiful sisters
Dearest, dearest beautiful sisters. It is with great pleasure that we thank you for your invitation. And with a big open heart we come and leave our information to you. Happiness plays a big role for people. But very few of you human children feel a powerful joy, very few. Your focus is on the problems, problems in life, problems at work, problems in the family, problems with friends and problems about everything and nothing. But now, now there is a shift. You will shift your consciousness from focusing on the problems to focusing on the joy. And when you focus on the joy, you also focus on the solution, and then there is no longer a problem.
Beloved, so much joy ahead of you. One by one you will discover this simple truth. When you focus on joy, there are no problems. Because the solution to the problems is built into the joy. So simple. It's simple, but you don't even think about it. But we think about it, because we see your bowed heads, your sad faces, your bent backs, which don't need to be there.
We see you. We see you all the time. There is no Earthling who remains unnoticed, unseen here with us. Not a single earthling. We follow you all. And I think you can notice it yourselves. And if you don't notice, then we are here for you. For your safety and for your well-being. Do not forget it. You are always welcome to call us.
We now leave you with great satisfaction to meet you once again. Always help each other. And if you need our help, we are here at your disposal. Just call us. We now conclude by sending you our love and warmth. So just open your heart. Place your hands on your heart and receive the stream of joy that we are now sending you. We love you from the bottom, deep in our heart. And you are and remain our brothers and sisters on Mother Earth.
Namaste. Sayonara. God bless you.
Do you understand how fundamentally revolutionary what is happening now is for humanity
Do you understand how fundamentally revolutionary what is happening now is for humanity, for humanity's progress? Do you understand how important it is to all lightworkers and all who are awakening in large numbers right now? The light penetrates and shines through everything, so that everything is remade to give birth to the New Earth, of which we are all co-creators, you and us in a divine collaboration, to reach the highest good in every human heart. In this way, the New Earth is born in divine being.
You are us and we are you, and together we are invincible. We love you with the full light of our heart. You shine and spread your light like the most beautiful earth angels you are. We embrace you and we are always by your side. With the power of love we win.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
Spring, spring, we salute you!
Spring, spring, we salute you! You come in the sign of joy. The shift that takes place today, the vernal equinox, is large and extensive. It affects everyone. No one can slip away, because the light permeates everything. The light envelops you and penetrates your cells. Penetrates your body and changes everything and the deepest depth. What is to come cannot be understood yet.
The biggest shift the Earth has ever gone through, with so many people, there are no rules for. Everything, everything changes! You will not recognize yourselves or your loved ones or your neighbors. It changes the mindset that the shift brings with it. Turns the whole existence upside down. But will slowly land in peace and security, in joy, in love, in harmony.
But the birth canal is narrow and involves certain hardships, which must be passed through first. Now Mother Earth is shaking. She shakes herself like a dog that has just been bathed, to be able to release old hardened thought patterns of the human race. She will shake herself until she is clean and clear of what does not benefit her and all living beings on Earth.
The calm has not really come yet. But you humans can help by consciously being in your hearts, living from your hearts. Then the change happens faster. So spread the knowledge of the heart, the joy of the heart, the love of the heart. This is how the great change is manifested.
We thank you with all our love. We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe and we love you deeply and deeply. Thank you for this time.
Sayonara. Namaste.
The entire heavens open and receive the energy
The entire heavens open and receive the energy that flows from the Central Sun down onto Mother Earth, to transform and remake all that needs to be healed for the good of humanity. The new energies break up the old in depth. There is no pardon. Everything breaks up with a force that cannot be stopped. It is now happening.
It is heavy and difficult for most people when their bodies are remade to receive this light. But it has to. There is no shortcut. And it is difficult for those who have not yet awakened to understand what is going on.
Therefore, they must wake up, add their mane and really help spread the knowledge of the New Earth and the future. Everyone must, with collective strength and collective unity, be helped to spread the knowledge to the newly awakened and not yet awakened people. It can sometimes seem like you are talking to deaf ears. But don't despair, because every person has a spark of God's light in their heart.
Sometimes the spark is almost non-existent. But it is there and needs to be protected and supported in order to take off and grow. So keep up your lazy work. Every second, the surroundings change thanks to the work of the awakened.
We thank you for your tenacity and strength and love. You are our Brothers and Sisters on Earth and our love for you is unfathomable and immense. In the name of the highest love, we now leave you for this time.
Sayonara. Namaste.
In the name of love, the eternal one, we rejoice
In the name of love, the eternal one, we rejoice at the development that is happening so quickly now on Earth. The light is pouring in at great speed to unite the hearts and souls of the people, to illuminate the hearts of the people, to open up to love. The love of everything. Above all to Mother Earth, who has missed her for so long.
Now the light comes and spreads like a blanket, like a lovely down comforter, over all the dark and heavy and black. All that has weighed on people's hearts for so long. Now the blanket of love comes and swallows the hearts of men so that love can flourish and shine and simply be.
For so long we have waited for this to happen on Earth. We knew it would happen, but not when. Because it is knowledge that only the Source possesses. All the small gears must fit in order for the big gear to go around and work. But now it's here, finally.
The winds of change blow wildly and create confusion in people's hearts. For all men are not aware of this great change which is taking place. Therefore, those who are aware have a great task, to stand up for truth and love and light and spread this knowledge to those who do not have it.
We trust you, human angels, and you have our backup. We are always with you. Just ask for our help and we will be there for you. We are with you always until the end of time. You are our great love. Stand in the light! Be in the heart!
Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
In the darkness of the night, the stars light up the sky
In the darkness of the night, the stars light up the sky to guide us humans to find the right path. And what is the right way? The right path lives in your heart, in your very heart. In no one else's heart. Only you know which path is right for you. And only I know which path is the right one for me. And we all have to follow our own path, because it is the right one for us.
So condemn no one else's way, for it is his way. Look at them with understanding eyes and an understanding heart. Judge not that you yourself shall not be judged. Respect your neighbor. See your neighbor as your brother or sister. This is the only way out of the darkness. The only way for every soul that walks the Earth. Nothing else. Just so.
We thank you for your willingness to listen to our words. We have been where you are now. Therefore, we can see things from a different perspective. We are proud of you and you are doing a fantastic job. With the deepest love in our hearts, we say goodbye for this time, but we will meet again.
Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
Sisters of Light, in childhood you played with dolls
Sisters of Light, in childhood you played with dolls, but now in these times you are the dolls. Strings are pulled from higher ups, not always so good forces, and you are expected to join in the dance. But the resistance within you grows like an avalanche and soon everything breaks loose. Now that's enough! Tolerance has reached its limit. The fire-breathing dragons within you rise up and gash the wicked in the back. Here, but no further!
We are not dummy dolls. We are people with free will and we stand powerful in our light. Now the device is bigger and more powerful than it has ever been and more important than it has ever been. It is now that we must hold each other's hands and sing the voice of our hearts clearly and distinctly. We are not dummy dolls.
And you are not alone in all this. We stand by your side and we admire your courage and strength. You are now our "role models". We support you as you move towards victory and we look forward to celebrating the sweetness of victory with you. You and we are one, sprung from the same source. We cannot be separated and we do not want to be separated. We love you, now and forever.
Namaste. Your Brothers and Sisters in our Universe.
The light is here now
The light is here now. The light is strongly vibrating. It is soothing and uplifting. It keeps people more firmly in their own light. The wavering is no longer as great. It flows powerfully down over the Earth, into people's hearts. More and more people are touched by this flow and every day humanity's consciousness is raised a little. It doesn't go that fast, but that's how it has to be. The human body must have time to adapt and integrate all the light. But we see clear changes and from a higher perspective the evil dissolves a little bit every day. So be patient human children. All ends in love and light.
We are with you always until the end of time. We love you deeply and sincerely. You are our family. We are all one.
Namaste. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
In the powerful light of the sun
In the powerful light of the sun, particles radiate down to the Earth to reach into the soul of each person, for the transformation of the consciousness of the people on Earth that is happening right now. This happens regardless of people's wishes. It is created on a higher plane and so determined since time immemorial.
In this now, this transformation into the pious of the people takes place to create a humane world, worth living in. Regardless of what happens now, the people are in the middle. And we ask you: Follow the light into your hearts and stay there! This is how you lift Mother Gaia and yourselves into a new life of love and harmony.
Only in the hearts of people is that possibility. Nothing of value can be created outside the heart. Opening the heart and living with an open heart, being vulnerable, is the key to love and to a better world. Enjoy now and take advantage of the time.
Take advantage of the change. And know that everything looks bright ahead.
We love you! You are our Brothers and Sisters. We are your family. Together we are the universal family. We are with you every day. We're just a heartbeat away. Trust your love. Trust your heart. Together we are unbeatable.
Namaste. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
In the dance of the rainbow
In the dance of the rainbow, the dimensions and humanity's consciousness are now shifting. In the light of the rainbow, where all the colors dance with each other, people now find their way back to their origin and their eternity.
The light reaches into the heart and the heart releases all dams, so that the light can flow freely from person to person and to all living things on earth.
The light comes like a river in a raging current and there are no obstacles in its way. Let it flow. Let it flow. Let it embrace everything in its path.
Now a new era is being formed in love and care, in joy. Receive the light now. Do not resist, but follow the flow to its source. Everything is transformed, nothing remains as it was.
Enjoy this moment and rejoice that you have been part of the greatest shift in human history. It will be recounted in the future as a pervasive event in people's consciousness.
The light is new. The light is with you. Enjoy and take it to heart. Only good comes out of this light.
We are proud to be part of your change, your shift to a higher consciousness, which affects everything in the universe. You are our heroes and heroines and we bow in deep respect to you.
We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
The truth always comes out
The truth, beloved goddesses, the truth always comes out. In the light nothing can be hidden. Everything is transparent, everything becomes clear and clean. The light does not always show what you want to see, but always exactly as it is.
The sparkling rainbow light can be used in more ways than one. Let that which is hidden be surrounded by the rainbow light if you want to have the hidden revealed. Use the rainbow light as a tool in your life. It is a tool for you to reveal the truth.
We give it to you because you show that we can trust you. Your hard work and love for us gives us this opportunity to repay your love. So use this tool as a help on your way. It is a gift from us to you. We love you with all our might.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
The flame of light increases in strength
The flame of light increases in strength. Now come the big changes. So far you humans have been prepared and the changes have begun on a small scale. But be aware that the strength will now be turned up. Don't put a stop to this out of fear, but follow the energies and allow them to take place.
The strength of the light is turned up not just one degree, but many degrees. As many degrees as you can manage to receive. We just want to prepare you now so you know what's coming, and nothing more. Namaste.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. We love you, now and forever, and we are with you. We are always with you.
At the center of the events is love
At the center of the events is love. It is wild and strong and unites those who are to be united. It is unyielding and does not give up. No matter what you humans do, it is there, like an underground river that flows strong and powerful, that does not allow obstacles to close it, that rushes forward and takes with it the debris that lies in the way. You children of men, you will soon step into the river - all of you.
Love is all-encompassing. Love allows you to grow and find an inner core, so you can see your greatness. Love is the messenger that brings news of better times for you humans. Nothing can stop the flow.
So beware, children of men, for the flow is strong and does not turn away. So be prepared for that. Do not think that you will escape. Love touches everyone. The love in your hearts. It is he who drives you forward, towards the development of a new time, of a new earth, of a new human race.
We love you and we are there for you, until you no longer need us.
We are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
The lack is great within the people
The lack is great within the people, the lack of the light that they remember from another life. They glimpse the light. It slips by quickly. But they perceive it and recognize it and miss it.
But soon we are back in the world where the light shines, where the heart sings and the joy is great, where the missing light has returned home.
But until then, you humans lack the life-giving light and joy and love. But soon you will be there. There is only a little, a little left. And then it comes, with noise and bang.
So hold on. Hang in there and know it will come again. It's not gone. It's just a glimpse. And soon, soon it will be there.
We are there for you with our love until the day comes when you stand on your own two feet.
Your beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Namaste.
The darkness is fighting its last battle
The darkness is fighting its last battle. In desperation, people look for every way to confuse, to create disorder among the people on Earth, to divide and so split in order to weaken. That is the task of darkness. Darkness nestles into people's lives and sometimes takes on the costume of light to deceive and deceive. But now it's over. Now it is the light that has won.
The light will make people understand what love is, what purity and clarity and compassion mean. When the people again begin to feel their hearts, and they begin to understand that they have been cut off from their hearts, then there will be rejoicing.
When you begin to understand that you have been manipulated and led behind the light, then people turn on their heels and turn their noses in the opposite direction, towards the light. When people begin to feel the joy that bubbles up in the heart, then they understand what it means to live in the light and in love.
But it takes a little time. Nothing happens from one day to the next. So patience is the greatest virtue in this situation. Patience towards each other. Patience in all situations. Nothing changes from one moment to the next. Everything needs time to bloom.
And when the people begin to understand, then the masses understand, and many, very many, at the same time turn on their heels and head off into the light. In the light, they meet themselves, their own soul, which is the part of man that stands in the light. And when man stands in his soul, peace comes and he is at home. Everything changes. Welcome to the light human child!
We love you, now and forever, and we look forward to meeting you in the light. We are your ever-present Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. We follow your development with great joy. You are all amazing souls. You are the new Earth. Namaste. In great love we leave you now. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
In the name of love, we now change lives
In the name of love, we now change lives. We enter into the joy. We enter into the togetherness. We enter the consensus. We step into the light. And we enter into love. The light has come to stay. It becomes more stable with each passing day and it grows incredibly large and strong. All to the pious people.
Like little lambs, we bask in the sun in the new world, in the joy of just living, just being, just being.
Small hopes of joy that make our heart swell with love and joy. Like newly awakened buds, which slowly burst into full bloom, we are born of love and grow in light and hope.
The presence of the new joy is great and all-encompassing. No obstacles can stop this newborn joy within each one. This newborn joy, which will create an ocean of love within us where we can lie down and float in the water as soon as we feel worry or sadness, so that the water calms what does not feel good in our bodies.
The joy of love in our lives makes us discover new dimensions of everything that exists on this Earth, it is born now, the great, great joy. So receive it in your hearts and be grateful. Because life lives in gratitude. Namaste.
Your ever-present Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. We love you deeply and sincerely. Sayonara.
The great light is coming now
The great light is coming now. It flows over the Earth and fills everything: people, animals, nature, everything. It advances like a fire over the Earth. It sweeps away all the old, all the dark, all the negative. It sweeps with it worry and sadness, anger and hatred. It turns life upside down, so backward becomes forward and forward becomes backward. It is coming now, the great tidal wave of light.
So hold on! The force of the wind beats against a storm. Nothing will be the same. The winds of change blow hard. But those in the eye of the storm are safe. They stand firm in their light. They are not affected in the same way. So make sure you're in the eye of the storm. Make sure that you are already so filled with light that you are standing in the eye of the storm. That's what you can do. So stand firm and hold on to your hat! Your siblings and friends from other dimensions.
We are with you, now and forever. Namaste.
Happiness rests in the light of love. Only in the light of love can we find it, the happiness that we sought and sought and sought. Not in any other place, only in the light of love.
So let your roots, let all your tentacles, seek this light. Because nothing else can make you find the happiness you long for.
When you allow this light to enter your cells, right down to the core, you change and become happiness. Then you live happiness. Then it lives in you forever.
With this message we leave you for today. But we are constantly present and waiting for the next opportunity to come to you. We love you with all the power that lives in the light of love.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe
Beyond the illusion
Beyond the illusion lies purity and love spread out like a soft blanket to wrap yourself in.
Beyond the illusion, our heart controls our emotions and nothing feels heavy or difficult.
Beyond the illusion, we live for each other, for each other's good and bad in warmth and love.
Beyond the illusion, the little miracle sneaks around in his little prince costume and performs little miracles.
Beyond the illusion, we live hand in hand, in soft love and in the joy that our neighbor is cherished and comforted.
Beyond the illusion you are my friend, you are there, where the snow has fallen and hidden what will emerge again in the spring sun.
Beyond the illusion, the sky is bright and the sun is shining, melting the icicles formed in our hearts.
Beyond the illusion, that is where we are at home.
Namaste. We are with you on this journey beyond illusion, in great joy, as we watch you steadily move forward, into the light of love, into the warmth, into the soft eternity. We love you, now and forever.
Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe.
The face of love - Anam Cara
Don't turn away from who you are. See your light of love and let it shine. See your greatness, see your power. Let this power work for you in life. You can influence life, you are not a victim. You are a champion of great proportions.
You have come to Earth to create the kingdom of heaven. This was the gift you were born with and the gift you were to steward until the time was right. And the time is now!
Now is the time to dust off your dormant power. It can no longer lie hidden in stillness and silence. It is now my friend, it is now time for you to stand on the barricades. Now is the time to shout your truth out loud. Loud so that it sounds and erases the doubts of the afraid, of the weak, of those who can't take it.
Now is the time for you to step forward, sword in hand, like a warrior, and stand for who you are. The one who is you deep inside. Now is the time for courage to prevail within you. Stand with all your might in your light. Stand with your sword raised, ready to go out into the world with your light. The light always wins.
Namaste. Your brothers and sisters in the universe. We stand behind you with our light forever and ever.
Anam Cara.
The power of love
The power of love, our sisters, it is infinite. Never stifle love, but let it flow freely in your own body and towards all people, all people. It is when you stand in the power of love that you are invincible, you are invincible. When it flows in your heart, there are no obstacles. Everything dissolves like a dancing mist in your interior and exterior. The flowing love takes you to unimagined places, to limitless places, where beings of pure love await you with open arms. When love is total, freedom is total. Then there are no longer any boundaries. In the name of supreme love, we are your brothers and sisters in the universe.
Namaste. We love you, deeply and sincerely, always.
All over the earth the light now flows
All over the earth the light now flows to create a better world for the human race. The dark is pushed away. The rod can no longer be held against the light, because nothing is stronger than the light.
With the open hearts of the many people, the light now has a place to live in. Before, the light was lost and drifted like a seed in the wind. But now the seed can be planted and grow big and strong in the world.
In the name of love, keep your heart open. Know that when the heart is open, nothing can hurt you. Know that the light always envelops the darkness and wins. So keep your heart wide open and trust that love will win in the end.
We are your brothers and sisters in the universe. And we wish you most of all peace in your hearts, love in your hearts. Let the light prevail.
The light is dazzling
When the light enters the human body, we are dazzled by its power. We don't understand what's going on. We're losing control. We get a little scared until the light reaches our heart, then we understand. When we understand that it is goodness itself that is filling us. That it is the love that fills our cells, the infinite love.
Then we understand. Then all fears go away. Then comes the calm, the stillness and the peace. Then it spreads inside us like a warming coat. It lays over our worries, over our sadness, over our anger, over our worries. There it lies and calms all that is suspended within us, that has flourished, fertilized with negative water. There comes that peace as a bandage around our wounded soul, our wounded innermost being. The dressing is changed because the healing is in full swing.
The human race is on its way to healing. Everyone gets their fair share, but everyone who wants gets it. It only takes a wish, an intention, and it is there, peace and through peace healing.
We love you and we are happy to pass it on to you. We are delighted to have this assignment. You are your brothers and sisters on earth and we love.
Your brothers and sisters in the universe.
The crown of the work
The crowning glory is when we open ourselves to the very love in our heart. When we find our way into the innermost room where love and longing live. When we find our way to the very innermost, innermost.
There love lies as on scattered rose petals in beauty, in fragrance, in pleasure. There it is. There it lies, waiting to be discovered, to come out into the light and dance its love song.
There it lies, waiting for us to wake up, for us to allow it to exist in its eternal dance. There it lies like an eternal kundalini rising, waiting to be claimed. Like a mist over the water in the early dawn, it lies waiting to be dissolved, to be spread to everything and everyone on earth. It's there, waiting.
So don't let it wait in vain, but get into the innermost room of your heart. THERE RESTS PEACE.
We are in eternal service to love, Your brothers and sisters in the universe
You are our love