In holiness, joy is created
In holiness, joy is created, which takes off like a bird learning to fly for the first time. The joy of being carried, of being loved, of feeling that you are good enough and enough. Everything rests in holiness. The holiness that rests and exists in your heart, that embraces who you are, that lovingly caresses your cheek in sorrow, that tenderly holds you in pain.
The holiness. We don't talk much about holiness. But holiness is the very foundation of love. Holiness is like a platform of cement that nothing can shake, so that love can rest in warmth and security. It is a foundation that can never be destroyed.
When we humans understand how important holiness is to our development, that is when our development begins. When we understand that love must rest on a secure foundation, that's when we can begin to grow. Holiness is like a beautiful embrace of roses where all the thorns have been removed and only the beautiful and the sweet remain.
And how do you reach holiness? Yes, by living from the heart. The heart doesn't lie. The heart cannot deceive and deceive. The heart cannot hurt and do evil. Only the good thrives and lives in the heart. That's why we keep saying: live from the heart. The two are inseparable, the holiness and the heart. They give birth to each other, love and holiness.
So make sure you live from the heart. Make sure your thoughts are formed in the heart. In this way you replenish your very foundation of holiness. It is more and more important that you find home to your own foundation. When all else crumbles, you will stand as strong pillars, bound together by the love of the heart.
Take care of yourselves in these troubled times. Stand in your full power and live from the heart. We love you, with a love that never ends. You are our Brothers and Sisters and we are your Brothers and Sisters. And together we form a foundation of holiness.
Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. Thanks.