In the light of night, miracles happen


In the light of night, miracles happen. Great is the knowledge that is now pouring into people's hearts. Enlightenment happens without awareness among you humans. It comes with the light, with the sparkling light that carries with it waves of information that are propagated in your cells on a highly unconscious level. The information is then mixed with the knowledge that is hidden and stored in your cells. And in this way you relive memories from times gone by. Memories you have hidden deep in your cells, to wait for what is happening now, for the information that rolls into you in these waves of information that you receive 24-7. 

You are elevated from plateau to plateau at breakneck speed. And you yourself do not have time to understand what is happening inside you and how it is that you know everything you know. The knowledge is just there. And that is good, because you are the bearers of the knowledge that will give birth to the new life on Mother Gaia. 

But first all fear must melt away, which it does as you open up to these new energies and receive them into your heart. When the heart is full of this love information you are now bombarded with, you help others to an opening, just by not being afraid but just standing and receiving and opening up. 

As we have said so many times before: stand with all the strength in your heart. This is how humanity is transformed into love. That is how life on Earth is transformed through and love and in love and to love. So trust that it is you who has this ability, it is you who has this. Everyone else is no better. You are you and they are them and we are us. And together we co-create a new universe where love reigns. 

We love you with all our might and we want you to love yourselves with all your might. You are our Brothers and Sisters on Earth and we are your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe. And together we are Everything. 

Namaste. Sayonara. Your Brothers and Sisters in the Universe, who love you always.

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